We have introduced and worked with many people in a wide variety of settings.
Taster session for young people with CHS Group​ in Cambridge
Introducing tai chi chuan to members of the Cambridgeshire Lupus Group
Instructing East London carers in tai chi chuan (with London Buddhist Centre)
Neighbours in Poplar, regular tai chi chuan sessions for mature men and women
Queens Park United Reformed Church, regular tai chi chuan sessions for church group
Sonali Gardens / St Hildas, regular tai chi chuan sessions for mature men
London Borough of Tower Hamlets, tai chi chuan instruction with 'Young @ Heart' project, venues include
John Orwell Sports Centre & Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest
Colin Winter House (Toynbee Hall), regular tai chi chuan sessions for carers, mature men and women
Hackney Council, fun tai chi chuan taster sessions at healthy living events
NAFAS (Tower Hamlets Bangladeshi Drugs Project), shiatsu sessions supporting drug rehabilitation recovery
Swanlea School, offering tai chi chuan to teenagers
Lauriston Road Primary School introducing tai chi chuan to nursery age children
London Chest Hospital, tai chi for cardiac rehabilitation